Crittenton Refugee Minor Services Program Tag

Crittenton Foster Families Demonstrate the Humanitarian Spirit
Crittenton Foster Families Demonstrate the Humanitarian Spirit

The Plight of Global Youth The current exodus of Unaccompanied Children and Unaccompanied Refugee Minors from Central America is taking national attention, as well as, garnered unprecedented news coverage from around the world. Recently, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) released an extensive report in March 2014, Children on the Run, depicting the factors of why Central American children flee their...

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Crittenton Presents at School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego

Exploring the Unaccompanied Children Phenomena Crittenton Services for Children and Families (CSCF) has been invited by the Trans-Border Institute, University of San Diego, to speak at their upcoming conference, “Protecting Children on the Border”, which will discuss the current phenomena of unaccompanied children, and to develop humane and effective strategies to this growing international concern. Joyce Capelle, Chief Executive Officer, CSCF is one of the featured experts...

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